About Us

  • SELPA Mission:

     Strengthening and supporting growth and independence for Kings County students

     SELPA Vision:

     The vision of the Kings County Special Education Local Plan Area is to engage in meaningful collaboration with teachers, staff, parents, and district employees in order to address the needs of the students of Kings County.  Our skilled staff are dedicated to continued growth and will focus on providing strategies and techniques to teachers and parents in an effort to help services be provided throughout the student’s school and home experience to allow the generalization of skills to all settings.  Staff will support student growth and independence through the use of evidence based practices and data-driven instruction, utilizing service delivery models that are best for the individual student’s needs. Staff will attempt to improve connections with families through increased interactions with parents.  We will work together as a team, demonstrating integrity, trust, and respect, in order to support each other as we maintain a consistent focus on doing what is best for the students of Kings County.



Contact Us

  • Phone:

    (559) 589-9611

    11835 S. 11th Ave
    Hanford, CA 93230