Parts of Trees
  • Book Your Excursion 


    • For Educational or Youth Group Reservations
      Laura Lutz
      (559) 589-7019


    • For Public Reservations
      Kings County Public Works
      (559) 852-2690

      County Website
       <- click for link


    General Information

    • Admission is FREE for all students.
    • Mileage is REIMBURSED for Kings County and may be available for outside counties.
    • Grades K-8 have UNIQUE, grade-level appropriate, NGSS-aligned activities. High School has a program split by science domains.
    • Open Monday - Friday from 9:00am - 1:00pm. Flexible timing is available.
    • For non-educational use, please contact the County of Kings Parks & Grounds Department

    Staff and Student Visitor Expectations

    • Visiting staff, chaperones, and students who attend the Burris Park Outdoor Education program are to adhere to the professional and behavioral expectations set by their school.
    • Visiting staff and chaperones are to remain with students.
    • If there is a student who would benefit from constant adult proximity, bring a chaperone or a staff member to remain with them.
    • Students will conduct themselves in a safe, polite, and positive way to engage in learning. Failure to do so may result in the termination of the trip.
    • Visiting staff and chaperones are responsible for assisting students in maintaining appropriate behavior expectations.

    Field Trip Expectations

    • Gates do not open until 8:50.
    • 3 classes, or approximately 90 students of the same grade per trip is recommended.
    • Groups consisting of multiple grade levels in the same group will not receive a unique experience for each grade level; the activities will be chosen by BPOE staff.
    • Contact for special events such as field days, intersessional trips, club trips, weekend trips, youth groups, or to develop a unique excursion to meet your needs.

    Suggested Gear

    • Wear clothes that can get dirty.
    • Wear close-toed shoes that can get wet. Crocs and sandals are not recommended.
    • Check the weather and bring appropriate layers and sun protection.
    • Water fountains are available, but you may bring water bottles.
    • Refer to your district policy for mask use.


    • The entrance is on Clinton Ave, not Burris Park Dr and is next to Fire Station 1.
    • 6500 Clinton Ave Kingsburg CA 93631


    Laura Lutz
    (559) 589-7019